Why Now is the Time to Start Using Essential Oils

Using Essential Oils in the fall

Okay I am going to share a huge secret with you!

Are you ready?

Well duh. The secret is basically in the title >>> now is THE time to start using essential oils! And while you may think it’s because of obvious reasons (cough, cough COVID), I actually have a whole other set of reasons for you too!

So why is this time, as we approach fall, the time for essential oils? Well it’s the time that everyone seems to get most eager to start using essential oils and joining a natural wellness company like Young Living. It’s the season of the sniffles and no one has time for that! But it is also a season of a lot more!

Essential Oils for Immune Health

Here’s some fun reasons below, but I’m sure I am leaving a few out!

  • It’s back to school season. If you’re reading my blog, there’s a good chance you have some kiddos living under your roof (bless you, solidarity mamas). School is a breeding ground for all the things, but it’s also a crucial time for your children. Whether you virtual school, homeschool, or traditional school, often times many children need a little nudge to help them calm down and focus. Or perhaps they need a good night of rest and they have trouble falling asleep. Or even more so, they may struggle with some big and anxious emotions (especially because 2020) so they are needing some natural ways to soothe all the things. Whatever it may be, essential oils can help A) support your child’s immune system B) specific oils can help promote mental alertness and focus C) get restful sleep and D) calm anxious minds and iffy bellies.

  • We are heading into the HOLIDAYS. Can you believe it? I almost can’t believe I just typed something about the holidays on my blog, but it’s true. We are inching into fall and then Christmas will be here before we know it. This is when people want all the yummy scents and cozy aromas. Here’s where we really need to ditch the pumpkin spice scents that are full of toxins (sorry y’all) and move onto mother nature where the real spice is brewing! Essential oils can make your home smell like the fanciest Christmas store, the yummiest pumpkin pie and more!

  • Because this time of the year can be well, stressful. So let’s be honest for a second, all of 2020 has pretty much been stressful. But we do know that many women often feel stressed and anxious during the holiday time. Wether it’s because you have so many family gatherings, endless parties to host or conversations with family members that you’re not on good terms with, sometimes you need all the oils for all of the emotional support.

  • Sniff sniff, cough cough. That’s code word for all the things that fall and winter will bring. And by all the things, I mean all of the things that are icky and germy. Essential oils are not magical potions that block you from all the things, but instead they help boost and support all of your bodily systems - even the immune system! Use essential oils during the winter season for supporting your sniff sniffs and cough coughs. A good supplement routine and a lot of essential oils can go a long way. Trust me I know, just ask my 2017 compared to 2019.

  • The proof is there. Since fall and winter is such an active season for gatherings, germs and more, you’ll truly get to experience your oils. Summer is such a laid back time, that most people are healthy and active outdoors. Since you're inside more during the cooler months, you’re more tempted to use your diffuser and you’re also giving yourself access to a wonderful arsenal of remedies should you need any support. You get to see the oils work right away!

Essential Oils for School

If you have it on your heart to start using essential oils, don’t let them scare you. They can seem a bit intimidating at first, but once you get hooked up with our tribe you will start to understand how easy they are. Essential oils can be however deep you want it to be - just for diffusing or perhaps a whole lifestyle change.

See our oily tab for more information and for joining our beautiful tribe!

Also, see our NEW kid’s starter kit!