The savoy family

So this is that awkward part of the blog where I have to chat about myself. So hello! I am so happy you are here and hopefully this part isn’t too awkward for you (or me).

The Mushy Mommy started as a blog in 2012 when I was pregnant with my first born. During her first year of life, I really immersed myself into a world natural parenting and natural, healthy living. I had found my niche as a green/eco friendly blogger so much so that I even launched an online mother and baby boutique that I operated for three years. It was wonderful!

However throughout all of my time as a mom blogger, I stayed away from talking about one thing - my faith. I was so caught up in the numbers game of followers and page views that I was afraid if I blogged about Jesus Christ, that I would lose a follower or two. Thankfully the Lord changed that in my heart years ago and my writings evolved to not only fit in Jesus, but become a Christian encouragement for mothers as well.

Now here I am, ten years after launching this blog and God has stirred something in me again. Not only do I want to blog about Christianity, but God has nudged me to hone in on my lifelong Catholic faith. Within the last five years our family has grown so much in our faith and Catholic roots, constantly rediscovering our love for the church and discovering new things that we never fully understood. There’s so much beauty and joy found within the Catholic church, that I knew God wanted me to use this platform to reach His people. When He first whispered it to me, I contemplated for months about it because I wasn’t sure if I could really dedicate myself fully to blogging again. And…I’m no perfect Catholic, so who am I to show up and use my platform in this way? But that’s the lies that the enemy wants us to believe. So after months of praying on this, here is my fiat! My fiat means that I am accepting God’s will for my life and I do believe that this is the way He wants me to go; using whatever little space I have on the internet for His glory. So welcome to The Mushy Mom’s Fiat!

This blog is a place for ALL mothers, I want you to know this. You’ll find recipes, homesteading tips, homemaking tips, breastfeeding encouragement, homeschooling and more. But you’ll also find a glimpse into the heart of a mother longing to spread His light and be a bridge for her family and for others. A mother who wants to serve like Martha and love like Mary.

If I can encourage just one mother to give herself grace, then I’ve done a good job. If I can encourage one mother just to try breastfeeding or homeschooling, then I’ve done a good job. Even if I just make a mom laugh on a rough day, then I’d say I’ve done a good job. But if I can encourage just one mother to return to Jesus Christ and the blessed sacraments that He gave us, then I’ve done the job He called me to do.

God bless,



All photos on this site are copyright and belong to the author, Sasha. Please do not use photos without permission.