A Peek into Our Spring Book Bin

I always love putting together our seasonal book bins for the kids. This is such a great way to compile all of the holiday and seasonal books into one place and for some books, it’s a great way to store them away and pull them out each holiday.

We have quite a bit of books…like hundreds. So storing away our holiday books has helped us have less on the shelves around us. I simply pack them away with the holiday decor and pull them out each year. Then I add seasonal books which for spring was books about the weather and earth. We almost added our insect and bug books, but I decided to save those for summer time.

Seasonal book bins are fun! I love putting them together and as the kids get older, I plan to invest in new books and more classics. Since we still have little ones in the home, we tend to still have a lot of board books. It’ll be exciting to one day refresh these bins with older classics and heavier reads.

Enjoy our seasonal book bins! Most of these can be found on Amazon or at Wal Mart; others were from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. If you haven’t joined this yet, I highly recommend you look into this FREE service to get a book each month for your little one!

I still have a few spring books I want to grab specially about spring, but until then, here’s a glimpse of all the books we have accumulated through the years. Lots of Easter books - but they are fun!

Do you do seasonal book bins? Share some of your spring favorites with us below!

Children's Spring Book Bins