Our Christmas Farmhouse Tour 2019

Well here we are for another Christmas season in our old farmhouse style house. There’s still lists to be done around here in terms of sprucing up our old home, but seeing it all dressed up for Christmas is one of my favorite things. As much as I try to keep things simple and somewhat vintage, there many pieces within our home that I just love during Christmas time and can never part with.

One of the things I love is “new” decor with a vintage feel. We’ve been fortunate enough to be gifted with some beautiful pieces from my husband’s work each Christmas and while they are definitely not vintage, they feel vintage. Oh I how I just love that classic feel.

Twinkle lights, garlands and cozy textures will always be my go to during this season. We change out our throw pillows and add darker colors with texture that are warm like fur or crushed velvet, and something as simple as an added throw over the bed can create warmth and newness for the season. There are easy, timeless ways to keep things cozy and warm during the season.

So let’s take a peek around the home this Christmas.

Our living room is already a cozy place. Add in a big tree, a lot of presents and some added decor touches and our family room becomes slightly more smaller. But that’s also it’s cozy appeal! So I do my best to put things out in a way that still provide us room but doesn’t feel overcrowded. Usually by the end of the month I am anxious for simplicity and bareness, but during the season I enjoy being tucked away in this space with twinkle lights and a warm fire.

Our outside is something that sometimes I love and sometimes I don’t. I saw this house covered in a rare snow storm and now I can’t get that image out of my mind. Like, nothing compares to that. But this is Louisiana and we just don’t get snow. Our home is also 90 years old and has only one outside outlet, that can cause a problem when plugging in Christmas lights. And oh boy, the lack of bloom in the flower beds is getting to me. Can we just get some greenery and pretty flowers please?

Our kitchen and dining is a cozy space for us and I enjoy it so much. It’s where we eat Christmas cookies, enjoy Christmas crafts and more. Christmas season is wonderful because of the warm and beautiful smells that fill the air. I am so thankful to have essential oils and diffusers to create natural, holiday scents. It’s also an added bonus to experience the health benefits from the oils such as Cinnamon for immune health and orange for an uplifting feel. Holiday oils are my favorite oils ever!

Well that’s it for around our home. Our pieces have all been accumulated over time and I hope are magical treasures that my children will look forward to each and every season. Tell me some of the things in your home that you have to have each holiday season.

Find last year’s holiday home tour here!

Merry Christmas,
