Looking at Motherhood and Homemaking from a Proverbs 31 View

Motherhood and Proverbs 31

As a blogger, (or just a millennial mom), you can often find me scrolling through Pinterest late at night. I’m usually Pinning home pins, Christmas ideas, baby pins and things about homemaking and motherhood. Part of it is sheer enjoyment for me and the rest is for research. A pin that I kept coming across in my “homemaking” search, was about the Proverbs 31 woman. So not knowing exactly who she was, I went on a quest to discover just who she is.

Proverbs 31: The Wife of Noble Character has quickly become my favorite scripture from the bible. I’ve been reading it and somewhat studying it for about four months now. I can read this scripture over and over and still get excited because I look at it and realize this is WHO I want to be.

So what exactly does that mean? Well, you’d have to read Proverbs 31 to find out exactly, but here I want to share with you what I think it means. Being a millennial mother in a complicated and busy world can be HARD and we can get so distracted, so caught up, so competitive, so judgey and so much more. I don’t want to be those things, but I am well aware that I can be. Life is fast paced and sometimes overwhelming. I’m sure every woman reading this can agree that the minute their clothes hamper is empty, it’s quickly full again. Most of us will say at some point in time that we felt completely undervalued and that the things we do so often for our family may go unnoticed. Mothers are world famous for juggling it all and for handling many tasks at once. It’s just what we do.

Homemaking as the Proverbs 31 Woman

It’s easy to get caught up in a negative mindset of housework and chores. Believe me, I am guilty of this too. However once you really start to step back and look at just who you are and what you are doing for those you love, you start to see your tasks through a different lens.

So how can you look at yourself like a Proverbs 31 woman? Why should you and who is she exactly? Let me share a little of who I think she is below.

She works hard. The Proverbs 31 woman gives you the impression that she is not just a homemaker, but that she actually is a businesswoman as well. She figures out a way to make an income from home for her family and makes wise investments. Now granted, not every mama is working from home, but so many are working hard. Working hard for your family whether away or from home, is a beautiful thing to teach your children. “She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands.”

She serves her family. I know the expression “serves” may turn you away, but truthfully I enjoy it. I “serve” the Lord daily and have no problem saying that (or at least I strive too). I can totally serve my family as well. Serving your family can be done with joy - but yes, sometimes you’ll get frustrated (we’re human). I enjoy the tasks that I do for my family on most days - cooking, cleaning, tidying up — these things actually bring me joy because I realize that by doing them, I am serving the people I love to help us have our lives more “organized and put together.” While yes sometimes the laundry piles up and that overwhelming feeling sets in, there are many times where I am just grateful to have these people’s dirty clothes in my home. “She gets up while it is still night; she provides food for her family…”

She keeps things orderly. Permission slips, lunch money, ironed uniforms, doctor appointments, birthday parties, gifts, soccer snacks, etc…these tasks don’t just magically get done. Sometimes these things are done as teamwork between spouses (or older children), but if you were to peek into the homes of so many, you’ll see a mother staying up late making sure her children’s bags are packed for school the next day. It’s the little things aside form housework that begin to add up. Mothers help keep things functioning smoothly and help keep order within the home. While we may not always hear a thank you for these things, these things matter so much. “She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.”

Motherhood and Jesus

She parents with faith. For me it’s one thing to be in church on Sundays with my children and it’s another to have actual discussions of who Jesus is. My kids are little so we keep our conversations pretty basic, but parenting your children in a way that places Jesus at the forefront will make your life easier. When you’re having your worst day and your biggest mom fail, Jesus has your back. Every mother hopes to one day look back and think that she parented her children the best she could, for me that means sprinkling Jesus everywhere that I can. “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

The “workloads” of motherhood and homemaking can be daunting, overwhelming sometimes and all for no pay. Sometimes we feel unappreciated and sometimes we feel like we just can’t make it another second. As much work as cooking a big meal for your family can be, just remember that you’re providing a warm meal for them. It’s because of you that your children get to have warm, wholesome food in their bellies and good, comfort food on the days that they need it.

You see, when you begin to take on the tasks with more joy and gratefulness, it becomes a little easier. Let’s not focus on our “chores” and life as just another day passing by or just another day captured in an Instagram square. Let’s focus on the joy of knowing that all of the little things we are doing is creating a path for our children. A blessed path where faith is taught, favorite recipes are passed down and homemaking is looked at as a good thing to serve those you love.

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.””

The Proverbs 31 Mother