Dear Summer


Sometimes I love you, summer.

Sometimes I dislike you.

You're so hot, but yet so beautiful. But really, mostly you're just hot. 

Summer Picnic

Summer is a change in routines and a slower pace than usual. 

Mornings are long, pajamas stay on for hours and beds go unmade sometimes. 

Summer can feel like a Saturday that never ends. And who doesn't love a Saturday?

The Mushy Mommy Summers

Kitchens are messy more than usual and there's in joy in staying up late listening to the fireworks. 

There's fires and smores and perhaps even a few paintings and crafts. 

There's a sense of relaxation while other days with kids home may become a desire for old routines (hey, honesty). 


Bucket lists are made and vacations are planned. Some happen, some may not. There's always next summer. 

Ice cream is eaten more than usual and watermelon is a favorite sweet treat. Hands are sticky from juice boxes and mouths are stained red from sno balls. 

And bathing suits become the normal wear for the day, along with knotty, wet hair. 

Toddler Summers
The Mushy Mommy Family

Movies are watched, toys are played with more and feet stay dirty with grass. 

Oh the smell of sweet, fresh cut grass. 

It's the one of those small things that you begin to enjoy. Until you either have too much of it in your pool or your living room. 

The Mushy Mommy Summer

It's the small moments of summer that are so dang beautiful. 

Despite the heat, despite the constant care of a small, little blow up pool, it's the little joys that mean the most. 

It's the laughter from sprinklers, giggles from the bubbles and the "higher" on the swings. Or it's the simple joy of the front porch swinging. 

Summers with Kids
Cloth Diapers 101

It's the hidden, slow and lazy moments of summer that are beautiful. 

It's the change in routines, the surprises in adventures and the warmth in the sunlight that stop you and make you grateful for this time. 

Whether we worked all through summer or stayed home with our children, went on vacation or just went to the local splash park, it's a summer of memories. It's a keep sake of moments that get imprinted on the minds and hearts of our little ones.

Summers are fun. Summers aren't forever, but the memories are. So thanks summer for a slew of great memories. 

Summer with The Mushy Mommy