Let's Go Green!

Green Living, Earth Day

Happy Earth Day to all! For ways to enjoy Earth Day with your littles, visit our post here

Living naturally and "GREEN" may not be a priority for all, but it can be something that you continuously strive for. Sure not every mama will throw away the disposables for cloth diapers, but every mama can make small, simple changes to live a little more green. 

As a natural living, green mom, I constantly strive to improve and even can say that I frequently fail. I get lazy too and sometimes use too many paper towels or nix the recycling just because I don't have room to store it. Either way, it's a constant goal of improvement for me to learn more and do more. I want to teach my children to take care of this planet and to respect and appreciate the land. 

It's not about hugging trees, it's simply about doing MORE. 

Interested in cloth diapers but not sure where to start? Find out more information here or here on why you should consider it and information here on how to go about it. For more awesome green baby essentials, checkout our favorites here! For a greener nursery, check out this post

To read more about eliminating toxins from your home you can read this fun post I put together. For an amazing essential oil mopping recipe, visit here. Trying to understand the difference between organic and natural? Read the breakdown here

For more amazing green living posts and simple facts on some of my favorite green topics, check this post out or this one! For some personal inspiration on why I am "green" check out my post about being crunchy here. And finally, for an eye opening post on the products we use daily, check out this popular post

There are numerous ways you can improve your footprint here on this Earth. It's the only one we will have, so let's take care of it for our children. 

Happy Earth Day. Head to our store for 15% off all orders with code EARTHDAY at checkout. Let us get you started with cloth diapers, cloth wipes, unpaper towels, reusable breast pads and more! SHOP NOW