Reflecting on 2014

It seems like the last half of 2014 for us was quite busy. So much happened in the last several months; some of it still kind of shocking.

The year started off great as we were healthy and happy and had a growing baby girl. This past year has been so wonderful because we have been able to watch our baby girl grow up and become a toddler and celebrate her first birthday. It is so amazing to watch this little being of ours become a walking, talking and funny little thing. We are so blessed for good health and so much love. We are so blessed to have that little girl in our lives. My love for her grows each and every day to depths that I could never have imagined.

I think the craziest thing of 2014 is the launch of The Mushy Mommy natural baby boutique. It is so crazy to think that this idea and desire that I had came to life in around five weeks after husband gave me the go ahead. I still can't quite believe that I have a "business" and that I am technically a "business owner." The Mushy Mommy has been open for a little less than three months and I am very happy with our results so far. Sure sometimes things go by slowly with no orders and then sometimes things go pretty great. Some days I don't feel like a business owner really because I'm not hustling and bustling at it just yet, and then some days I do feel like one. I'm definitely learning the ropes as we go and most of all, I'm holding onto hope that this little business of mine will grow at a comfortable rate for us and will help many mothers and babies out there.

Speaking of babies, 2014 also brought along something we had been hoping for --- a new baby! Well, I should say a new little bundle on the way as she won't be here officially until 2015. At one point, things became crazy as I opened and launched the store right at the start of my pregnancy which was VERY hard. Morning sickness is no joke and with this pregnancy, I can't sleep enough. I won't lie; there have been some really hard days of wondering how can I do it all? How can I be supermom, a business owner, a wife and technically student as well? All while being pregnant. I've had some tears, some frustration and many moments of feeling overwhelmed. But I'm making it and my little bit of being "overwhelmed" is really nothing to complain about when I'm healthy and alive.

Thankfully, I am overcoming the morning sickness humps for the most part and can push on much better throughout the days. There's still so much to juggle and that's what I want to work on for 2015 -- juggling it all without procrastinating, without being too overwhelmed and without feeling like I have to be perfect. I'm just a human. I'm really just a wife and a mom...

As wonderful as 2014 has been, I know that 2015 will be even better as we will finally meet our new baby girl. I'll have my dream of having two little girls playing together and two little girls to dress up and cuddle on. Words can't describe the happiness in my heart over this. Is it June yet?

And finally, I look forward to 2015 where we will hopefully introduce some new products and brands and see some growth in our little shop. It's just the beginning.

Truthfully, I feel like life is really just beginning. Evolving into a mother has been the most rewarding thing in the world and it is really just beginning. All of my dreams are coming true and God has answered so many prayers. I look forward to 2015 to live my life out to the fullest and be the wife, mother and business owner that I want to be.

It's just the beginning.

Thank you for reading and supporting my blog and new little shop. YOU have helped to make my 2014 so wonderful! Thank you. 

And God, if you're reading, thank you thank you thank you for my many blessings.