Our Shop is OPEN and a Diaper Giveaway Celebration!

We are officially open for business today!

Did you miss the news? 

This mama has opened up a new natural baby boutique that has something for every mama and every baby no matter how "natural" or "crunchy" you are. It's a place for all mamas, because all mamas rock!

I am so excited to launch our new online boutique and I am thrilled at many of the amazing brands we are carrying. I have put a lot of work into this site in the last several weeks. In fact, aside from the logo design, I did everything and all website work myself. It was somewhat exhausting. The website isn't anything crazy fancy, but it is a start and we do hope that in a year or so that we will be able to build a website from the ground up so it is much more personalized to us (and I will be paying someone for that - my mind is blown already, LOL). For now though, I like our simple, clean and crisp online store.

A lot of work has gone into the products that we've decided to open the shop with. Many are brands that I have been faithfully using for months or a year now for our family. Some are brands that I researched and decided was in line with my own personal standards, beliefs, etc... For example, we almost went with a wonderful skin care line that wouldn't have cost me quite as much on the back end side, but after finding out about a particular ingredient, I backed out of it.

While I can't say that I've personally used each and every item in the shop, I can tell you that I did my homework and/or that it's items that I have often looked at purchasing for us. For example, Dandelion toys are toys that I've was previously hoping to get my hands on when Little Bug was a lot smaller. We are hoping to expand our product lines and brands throughout time and already have a few companies that we are looking at purchasing from in the upcoming months! :)

So with that said, today I present to you my shop! There's still some tweaks to be made here and there I believe, but we are ready to roll! All orders will be shipped out on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays!

And GUESS WHAT?!?!?! We are celebrating with a FREE SHIPPING special and with a diaper giveaway! We have another awesome giveaway planned that we will showcase in the upcoming days!

Code expires 10/16/14 at 12:00 PM Central Time. 


Unlock the rafflecopter entry form below, and earn more entries
by completing the options it asks that you want to do! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I would love to hear your thoughts! Check out our store and comment below or on Facebook to let us know what you love, what you don't love and what you want to see more of! And did I mention that packaging is going to be as lovely and personalized as I can make it? That's right, you get a sweet note from me thanking you for your purchase every time!

Thanks for being such awesome readers! I hope to get back to regular blogging this week (I have been sick and taking care of myself with lots of sofa time :) ).

Happy Shopping!