Grandma's Pure and Natural

Can you imagine having a bar of soap that is made out of three simple ingredients? No added junk to make it do magical things such as clear up acne or defy aging; just a healthy soap to help you have healthy skin. 

I was sent over this bar of soap and laundry detergent from Grandma's and I am quite a fan. Let me start with the laundry detergent since I feel like that review is quite simple. These detergent packets were great for one load of laundry for me and both times I used them I washed our towels. Now maybe I am imagining things but I am pretty sure that once I removed the towels from the dryer, they actually felt slightly softer. Since there is no fragrance with the detergent I can't sit here and tell you that my towels smelled like "Spring Rain," but I can tell you that I had clean, soft towels that were washed with a healthy, natural detergent.

Now, let's move onto the soap since that is something that I really enjoyed using. As I stated earlier the soap is made of out of three basic ingredients: Lye, Food Grade Lard and Water. There are obviously no additives or detergents to agitate sensitive skin. This soap MAY also even ease the discomfort of eczema, Psoriasis and dry, itchy skin. It can also be used for rashes, hives, insect bites, and the ability to hide human scent while hunting. 

I was very scared that this was going to be some stinky, low suds soap that wouldn't leave me feeling clean. Boy was I wrong, it's just the opposite. There were plenty of suds and even though there is no scent, you feel fresh and clean. So fresh, so clean clean (that's from an old rap song, LOL). I overall really enjoyed this soap and felt clean, soft and fresh after.

I'd definitely recommend these to anyone, especially if they have any of the mentioned skin conditions that they feel they may want to try and heal naturally. This would be great for baby's with eczema (which is most of them). Why resort to all sorts of fancy products with harsh chemicals to heal something so sensitive? Just use this stuff and see what happens!

Want to purchase some yourself? Visit Grandma's Pure & Natural for more details and for ordering some wonderful PURE & Natural products. There are many different kinds of soaps, lotions, products and more. 

Thanks so much to Grandma for sending it over. 
Or to whoever actually sent it over. 

Does your baby have eczema?
We occasionally see little patches on Little Bug. 
If it gets worse, I'm ordering more of this to try!
Even though I was sent these products to review, these opinions are honest and are my own. 

Happy Monday, Sasha
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