Friday's Letters {Best Gift Ever}

My first Mother's Day. Just a few days old here. 

Dear Little Bit, I can't believe that tomorrow you will be one month old. Boy have you changed my life. 
You're the most amazing little thing I've ever been given. You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. 
Thank you so much for coming into your daddy and I's life. I love holding you and cuddling you. 
Nothing can compare to that. I want to soak in each one of those moments so I never forget them. 
Dear Time, I used to ask you to speed up so I could meet my baby girl. Now you can slow back down.
Dear Google, I hope the research that you showed me that claims newborns can't be spoiled and 
get "armitis" from being held too much is true. I love to hold my baby. 
Dear Gigi, Happy Birthday today! You're the most amazing mommy and grandmother we could 
ever have. You go above and beyond for us and we're so grateful. Hope you have a great day!
Dear Husband, Words can't describe how in love with you I am. Without you I'd be nothing. 
Seeing you with our daughter melts my heart more and more each day. 
I knew you'd be a great dad, but you're so much more than just great. The way you love her 
takes my breath away and the way you love me is just indescribable. 

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Happy Friday Friends!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!