My Baby Has a Secret Admirer

*This is not a sponsored post and is just simply an informational post on products that I love

I wanted to take the time today to show off some amazing products that I've been so grateful to receive in the mail periodically since November. My husband's sister signed me and his other pregnant sister (pics of us to come soon) up to receive these packages from Citrus Lane. She had no idea what would actually come in them and all I can say is - WOW! I love all of the products that I've received and can't wait to sample more of them out (you know, when Little Bit actually arrives). 

I wasn't aware she had signed us up for this at first, so once the first package came in with no sender's information I was curious as to who my baby's secret admirer was. I was so in love with the first box because it had lots of earth friendly and natural products -- right up my alley! From there it just got even better!

Since then, I've been overwhelmed by the amazing products they have sent me. Little did Citrus Lane know, but Little Bit's nursery is elephant theme; I am fond of classic nursery rhymes; and turquoise bracelets are my favorite color. I'm so excited to share these amazing products with you! 

Box #2: Hand-print Keepsake Kit // Gripe Water // Elephant to Hook on Stroller or Carseat //
Caramel Popcorn // Chewbeads
Chewbeads are the most amazing thing and I can't wait to 
wear them. First off, they are in my favorite colors and they are the trendiest little bracelets for me 
to wear that Little Bit can even chew on if she feels like munching. 

Box #1: Earth friendly snack bowls (Made in USA) and snack container //
 Little Green friend for baby // Chocolate // Lotion 
Box #3: Discovery Toy // Lotion and Wash for sensitive skin for Mommy and Baby //
Baby Laundry Drops // Disinfectant Spray // Nursery Rhyme Book

 Box #4: (2) Musical Instruments // Pack of Washcloths // Taggies Blanket // 
Antibacterial Wipes that are alcohol free and sting free for babies 

 These are just some of my absolute favorites that I can't wait to use! 

Thanks to Citrus Lane for being so nifty and putting together awesome packages. 
A special thanks to my wonderful sister in law for all of this! 
Baby and I LOVE coming home and seeing these packages at our doorstep. 
She has such a sweet Auntie :)
What's some of your favorite baby products?